Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cool Things People I Know Do, Part II

My bestfriend from highschool, Caitlin, spearheaded this movement with her husband and two other friends. Since most people I know are equally disappointed by our commander-in-chief, you'll probably support the idea behind her website!

How Blue Are You was founded after the 2004 election as a simple way for ordinary Americans to express our commitment to democratic ideals, show our determination to hold George W. Bush and the right wing elite in Washington accountable for their extreme policies and demonstrate our willingness to work for a better future for the United States and the world.

In unprecedented numbers, new voters, young voters and previously disenfranchised voters cast their ballots in the 2004 presidential election. And 58 million of us voted for somebody other than George W. Bush. The president interpreted his slim victory as a mandate and claimed he was ready to spend the "political capital" he had earned.

Bush's post-election remarks have only deepened the divide voters have felt since the disputed 2000 election. All this from a man who claimed to be "a uniter, not a divider." Since winning re-election, Bush has made it clear that we can expect four more years of the same policies that are taking our country down the wrong track.

Where does that leave us, the 58 million Americans who disagreed with the president on a variety of levels, but all who disagreed enough to vote for someone else?

Since the President and the Republicans in Congress have decided to ignore us, we set out to find a way so show our support for the democratic ideals that make our country the best it can be for all Americans. We chose to make our voices heard. We decided to act.

In blue states and red states alike, we're encouraging all Americans to wear How Blue Are You? wristbands in support of these democratic values and ideals and send a message to the ultra-conservative elites in Congress and the Bush administration that we respectfully disagree with their misguided policies.

We're showing our colors. We're blue. How blue are you?

Proceeds from the sale of How Blue Are You wristbands will go to the National Gulf War Resource Center, the leading organization providing advocacy and support for Gulf War veterans.

Link posted by megliemoo @ 8:24 PM   0 comments


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