Sunday, July 22, 2007

My predictions about Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows

Oh joy! The last book in the Harry Potter series arrived from Amazon delivery today. Even in Japan we could get it on the same day of the global launch. I have a terrible habit of reading ahead to confirm my predictions or reassure myself that my favorite charcter won't die. But I will try to resist that tendency today. Instead, I'll commit my predictions here so that I can see in the end if I was correct or not.

1. Kinglsely is the person leaking information to the Death Eaters
2. Snape hasn't really gone over to the bad side-we will see that in the end he was actually doing this all along to assist Harry/Dumbledore end it.
3. OR-if I'm not right about that, Malfeus will change sides at the end.....
4. Of course, Harry won't die.

I'm on page 247 already.... I'll update on my predictions later....


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