For my birthday this week I celebrated with two concerts! The first was on the night before my b-day with D-man at the Cotton Club. The club is fairly new so I wanted to check it out and didn't really care who was playing. And D-suke was able to get us tickets for free! b/c he knows the owner. Pretty cool! Anyway, while it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, the "soul" singer was not quite our type of music. Jeffrey Osbourne, of 80's renown, just doesn't seem to have the staying power to impress us 15-20 years later. But while I was listening to his songs, I was trying to think why almost all soul music lyrics are about love. If the word comes from the meaning of a person't soul, it seemes it would encompass a broader range of themes. So I put the definitions below for you to decide.
I was also thinking if I were a musical instrument, which one I would be.... any suggestions? I know D-suke would be the bass. Steady, not standing out, but essential to the overall harmony. But I can't think of what I would be....please don't say the piano!
Main Entry: 1soul
Pronunciation: 'sOl
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English soule, from Old English sAwol; akin to Old High German sEula soul
1 : the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life
2 a : the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe b capitalized, Christian Science : GOD 1b
3 : a person's total self
4 a : an active or essential part b : a moving spirit : LEADER
5 a : the moral and emotional nature of human beings b : the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment c : spiritual or moral force : FERVOR
8 a : a strong positive feeling (as of intense sensitivity and emotional fervor) conveyed especially by black American performers b : NEGRITUDE c : SOUL MUSIC d : SOUL FOOD e : SOUL BROTHER
Main Entry: soul music
Function: noun
: music that originated in black American gospel singing, is closely related to rhythm and blues, and is characterized by intensity of feeling and earthiness
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