Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Salary Men...

An example of salary men at work....


Dear xxxx-san,

Sorry too late of my reply to you.
I have drunk very much in the dinner of xxxxx today.
(Today, xxxxxx Workshop is held in xxxxxxx.)

Attached please find the template I have filled out.

Because I drunk beer very much here, there might be some mistakes in my
If there are any points to be amended or any mistakes, please let me know.

With best regards,

Corporate Organization


Link posted by megliemoo @ 11:41 AM   0 comments

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Space Invaders

Yesterday my home was infiltrated by two space invaders.
Cockroaches as big as my fist that can fly! Which explains how they levitated up to the 15th floor.
But I still can't figure out how they got inside the apartment. I had the sliding doors open but the screens were closed.
Anyway-I heroically rose to the occasion. Blasting them at close range with the cockroach killer spray. Both struggled to survive-one flying through the room, me in chase and spraying madly. My friend who was visiting was completely useless. She ran screaming from the room. Ugh. Makes me want to move back to Alaska where there aren't any of these nasty creatures.

Link posted by megliemoo @ 6:21 PM   0 comments

Monday, September 11, 2006

PR stronaut

Yes, I'm now a PR agent. I could tell you about my clients, but I'd have to kill you.
When we decided to leave Japan last year, I started thinking about a new industry for when I had to look for a job upon my return to the US. And based on my background, relevent experience, and where I want to go in the future, I decided on public relations. And it sees I've finally found my profession! I'm at an agency so that means that I am at the whims of our clients. But at the same time, it means that every day is different and I get to learn about new industries all the time. Suddenly entire new worlds have opened to me. Reading the business section of a newspaper in the past was more like reading a book on space travel: I've heard of it but know nothing about it and as I have no chance of going there-do not plan to learn more.

Ah hah! I am now buckled into the rocket and jetting off to new planets on a regular basis. Space travel means I get to see a lot of aliens at work in their native element. Fashionistas and techies and non-profitables.... all seen from far above in my spaceship as a PRstronaut.

Link posted by megliemoo @ 5:34 PM   0 comments

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.

According to Joseph Barth (who the hell is he?) Anyway, I never plan to grow up-not really anyway, but it does feel kind of adult to be married. As of July 23, 2006, we're married! And its a lot of fun! Yipee!!!!!!!

Link posted by megliemoo @ 2:57 PM   0 comments